Software documentation for the APEX SEPIA receivers
Sepia180 Class Reference

A class representing the SEPIA-B5 receiver. More...

#include <sepia180.h>

Inheritance diagram for Sepia180:
Collaboration diagram for Sepia180:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Slots inherited from Cartridge
void resetBand ()
 Reset cartridge to warm-up conditions. More...
void run ()
 Start up a cartridge. More...
virtual void initBand (bool withDeflux)=0
 Initialize a band. More...
virtual void shutdownBand ()=0
 Shut down a band. More...
virtual void tuneLO (double ghz)
 Tune the LO using tuning table. More...
virtual void tuneMixer (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Tune a mixer. More...
void tuneSystem (double ghz)
 Tune both LO and mixers to a given LO frequency using tuning table. More...
virtual void demagnetize (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)=0
 De-magnetize a mixer element. More...
virtual void deflux (Mixer::Polarization pol)=0
 De-flux both mixer elements of given polarization. More...
void disable ()
 Disable band.
void enable ()
 Enable band.
void demagnetizeMixers (bool p0s1, bool p0s2, bool p1s1, bool p1s2)
 De-magnetize specified mixer elements. More...
void defluxMixers (bool p0, bool p1)
 De-flux both specified polarizations. More...
void setLNADefaults ()
 Set LNA voltages to the values given in configuration file.
void cleanup ()
 Clean up cartridge operations as part of band shutdown. More...
void updateYIG (int value)
 Set a new YIG value. More...
void changeSynthFreq (double ghz)
 Set synthesizer frequency. More...
void changeSynthLevel (double dBm)
 Set synthesizer level. More...
void switchSynth (bool flag)
 Turn Synthesizer on/off. More...
void IVscan (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, double from, double to, int steps, bool withPower)
 Perform an IV scan on one mixer. More...
void scanMixers (double from, double to, int steps)
 Perform an IV scan on all mixers. More...
void resetSisVoltages ()
 Set all SiS voltages to 0.0 mV in the recommended way.
void resetCoilCurrents ()
 Set all magnetic coil currents to 0.0 mA in the recommended way.
void resetLNAs ()
 Sets all LNA drain voltages and currents to zero.
void setCoilCurrents ()
 Set magnetic coil currents to the values given in configuration file.
void setPaGateVoltages ()
 Set PA gate voltages to prescribed values in configuration file.
void showCurve (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, QVector< double > x, QVector< double > y, QVector< double > z, const QString &xlab=QString::fromUtf8("mixer bias [mV]"), const QString &ylab=QString::fromUtf8("mixer current [µA]"))
 Signal GUI to display results from IV scan. More...
bool pllControl (float *vcorr, float *vlock)
 Check status of PLL. More...
void cryoControl (bool flag)
 Turn cryo control loop on/off. More...
void preparePLL (bool upper)
 Prepare PLL for locking. More...
void addChannel (Sepia::Channel channel)
void removeChannel (Sepia::Channel channel)
float getRealValue (QString name)
 Get a float value via its name. More...
bool getFlag (QString name)
 Get a boolean value via its name. More...
unsigned short getWord (QString name)
 Get a 16 bit unsigned integer via its name. More...
- Signals inherited from Cartridge
void demagnetized (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool ok)
 A signal emitted when the mixer element is de-magnetized . More...
void defluxed (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool ok)
 A signal emitted when a mixer polarization is defluxed. More...
void faulted (Sepia::ErrorCode code)
 A signal emitted when an error has occured.
void pllStatus (bool locked, float Vlock, float Vcorr)
 Signal the PLL signal. More...
void updateMonitorItem (const QString &name, DWORD addr, float v, char unit, int gain)
 Send latest reading of a monitor item. More...
void percentDone (int percent)
 Report how many percentof an operation is done. More...
void statusMessage (const QString &msg)
 Send a status message. More...
void synthConnected (bool flag)
 A signal emitted to indicate synthesizer connection status. More...
void synthSwitched (bool on)
 A signal emitted to indicate synthesizer status. More...
void synthFreqChanged (double ghz)
 A signal emitted when synthesizer frequency changed. More...
void synthLevelChanged (double dbm)
 A signal emitted when synthesizer level changed. More...
void yigChanged (int value)
 A signal emitted when YIG setting changed. More...
void pointReady (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, int i, double mV, double mA, double mW)
 A signal emitted when a new point of an IV scan has been taken. More...
void traceReady (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, QVector< double > x, QVector< double > y, QVector< double > z, const QString &xlab, const QString &ylab)
 A signal emitted when a new trace, i.e. data from a mixer scan, is available. More...
void LOtuned (bool ok)
 A signal emitted when LO tuning is done. More...
void LOmodified (bool flag)
 A signal emitted when LO tuning was modified. More...
void newCmdLOfrequency (double ghz)
 Signal a new commanded LO frequency. More...
void newCmdHarmonic (int harmonic)
 Signal a new harmonic for LO tuning. More...
void mixerTuned (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool ok)
 A signal emitted when mixer tuning is done. More...
void systemTuned (bool ok)
 A signal emitted when system tuning (i.e. both LO and mixer) is done. More...
void newMixerCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA)
 Signal a new actual mixer current. More...
void newCmdMixerBias (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV)
 Signal a new commanded mixer bias. More...
void newMixerBias (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV)
 Signal a new actual mixer bias. More...
void newMixerPower (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mW)
 Signal a new total power reading. More...
void newCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA)
 Signal a new actual coil current. More...
void newCmdCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA)
 Signal a new commanded coil current. More...
void newDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V)
 Signal a new actual drain voltage for an LNA. More...
void newCmdDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V)
 Signal a new commanded drain voltage for an LNA. More...
void newDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float mA)
 Signal a new actual drain current for an LNA. More...
void newCmdDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float mA)
 Signal a new commanded drain current for an LNA. More...
void newGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V)
 Signal a new actual gate voltage for an LNA. More...
void newCmdPaDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V)
 Signal a new actual gate voltage for a given PA. More...
void stabilize (double T)
 A signal emitted when temperature stabilization should be turned on.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Cartridge
 Cartridge (const QString &name, Sepia::Channel channel, double WCAmultiplier, double YIGmultiplier, double lowerYigLimit, double upperYigLimit, QObject *parent=0)
 Construct a Cartridge object. More...
virtual ~Cartridge ()
void setMonitorChannels (const QStringList &channels)
 Define the list of CANbus addressable items which should be monitored. More...
double lowerLimit () const
 Return the lower limit of the LO tuning range in GHz. More...
double upperLimit () const
 Return the upper limit of the LO tuning range in GHz. More...
float biasOffset (int pol, int sis) const
 Return the bias offset. More...
float currentOffset (int pol, int sis) const
 Return the current offset. More...
float coilCurrentPreset (int pol, int sis) const
 Return the default setting of the coil current. More...
float gateVoltagePreset (int pol) const
 Return the default setting of the gate voltage. More...
QVector< double > biasTrace (int pol, int sis) const
 Retrieve the results for the mixer bias from the latest IV scan. More...
QVector< double > currentTrace (int pol, int sis) const
 Retrieve the results for the mixer current from the latest IV scan. More...
QVector< double > powerTrace (int pol, int sis) const
 Retrieve the results for the total power from the latest IV scan. More...
int getYIG () const
 Get the lates YIG setting. More...
double synthFreq () const
 Get the current synthesizer frequency. More...
double synthLevel () const
 Get the current synthesizer level setting. More...
float sisCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get the mixer current. More...
float sisVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get the mixer bias. More...
float sisPower (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get the mixer total power. More...
float drainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage)
 Get the drain voltage of an LNA. More...
float drainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage)
 Get the drain current of an LNA. More...
float gateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage)
 Get the gate voltage of an LNA. More...
float paGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Get the gate voltage of a PA. More...
float paDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Get the drain voltage of a PA. More...
float paDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Get the drain current of a PA. More...
void setCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA, bool fast=false)
 Set a new coil current value of a mixer element. More...
void setSisVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV, bool fast=false)
 Set a new bias voltage of a mixer element. More...
bool sisOpenLoop (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get the open loop mode of a mixer element. More...
void setSisOpenLoop (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool flag)
 Switch a mixer element to open loop mode. More...
void setDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V)
 Set the drain voltage for given LNA. More...
void setDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage, float mA)
 Set the drain current for given LNA. More...
void setLNAenable (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool flag)
 Enable LNA operation. More...
void setPaGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V)
 Set the gate voltage for given PA. More...
void setPaDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V)
 Set the drain voltage for given PA. More...
void setAmcADrainVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-A drain voltage. More...
void setAmcBDrainVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-B drain voltage. More...
void setAmcEDrainVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-E drain voltage. More...
void setAmcAGateVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-A gate voltage. More...
void setAmcBGateVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-B gate voltage. More...
void setAmcEGateVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-E gate voltage. More...
void setAmcDMultVoltage (float V)
 Set the AMC-MULT_D voltage. More...
float amcAGateVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_A gate voltage. More...
float amcADrainVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_A drain voltage. More...
float amcADrainCurrent ()
 Get the current AMC_A drain current. More...
float amcBGateVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_B gate voltage. More...
float amcBDrainVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_B drain voltage. More...
float amcBDrainCurrent ()
 Get the current AMC_B drain current. More...
float amcEGateVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_E gate voltage. More...
float amcEDrainVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC_E drain voltage. More...
float amcEDrainCurrent ()
 Get the current AMC_E drain current. More...
float amcMultiDVoltage ()
 Get the current AMC-MULT_D voltage. More...
float amcMonitor5V ()
 Get the AMC 5V monitor signal. More...
float coilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get a coil current reading. More...
float coilVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)
 Get a coil voltage reading. More...
float heaterCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Get a reading of the heater current. More...
float mixerTemperature (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Get a reading of the mixer temperature. More...
void heaterState (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool on)
 Set the heater state. More...
void toggleHeater (Mixer::Polarization pol)
 Toggle the heater state, i.e. switch off, then on. More...
float pllLockVoltage ()
 Get the PLL lock voltage. More...
float pllCorrVoltage ()
 Get the PLL correction voltage. More...
float pllRefTotalPower ()
 Get the PLL reference total power. More...
float pllIfTotalPower ()
 Get the PLL IF total power. More...
float pllAssemblyTemperature ()
 Get the PLL assembly temperature. More...
bool LOlockLatch ()
 Get the state of the PLL lock latch. More...
void LOclearLatch ()
 Clear the PLL lock latch.
void setNullPllIntegrator (bool flag)
 Set/clear null PLL integrator. More...
void setPllLoopBandwidth (bool flag)
 Set/clear PLL loop bandwidth. More...
void setPllSideband (bool lower)
 Set PLL sideband. More...
void setCoarseTune (unsigned short value)
 update YIG oscillator setting More...
virtual void tuneLO (double ghz, int harmonic)=0
 Tune local oscillator. More...
virtual void tuneMixer (Mixer::Polarization pol, float bias[2], float Igoal, float power, float maxPower)=0
 Tune a mixer. More...
void tuneSynthesizer (double WCAfreq, int harmonic, bool upper)
 Pure virtual method to tune the synthesize. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Cartridge
void setFlag (QString name, bool flag)
 Set a boolean value via its name. More...
void setRealValue (QString name, float v)
 Set a float value via its name. More...
void setWord (QString name, unsigned short w)
 Set a 16 bit value via its name. More...

Detailed Description

A class representing the SEPIA-B5 receiver.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: