Software documentation for the APEX SEPIA receivers
A class representing the SEPIA-B7 receiver. More...
#include <sepia345.h>
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | resetBand () |
Reset cartridge to warm-up conditions. More... | |
void | run () |
Start up a cartridge. More... | |
virtual void | initBand (bool withDeflux)=0 |
Initialize a band. More... | |
virtual void | shutdownBand ()=0 |
Shut down a band. More... | |
virtual void | tuneLO (double ghz) |
Tune the LO using tuning table. More... | |
virtual void | tuneMixer (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Tune a mixer. More... | |
void | tuneSystem (double ghz) |
Tune both LO and mixers to a given LO frequency using tuning table. More... | |
virtual void | demagnetize (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis)=0 |
De-magnetize a mixer element. More... | |
virtual void | deflux (Mixer::Polarization pol)=0 |
De-flux both mixer elements of given polarization. More... | |
void | disable () |
Disable band. | |
void | enable () |
Enable band. | |
void | demagnetizeMixers (bool p0s1, bool p0s2, bool p1s1, bool p1s2) |
De-magnetize specified mixer elements. More... | |
void | defluxMixers (bool p0, bool p1) |
De-flux both specified polarizations. More... | |
void | setLNADefaults () |
Set LNA voltages to the values given in configuration file. | |
void | cleanup () |
Clean up cartridge operations as part of band shutdown. More... | |
void | updateYIG (int value) |
Set a new YIG value. More... | |
void | changeSynthFreq (double ghz) |
Set synthesizer frequency. More... | |
void | changeSynthLevel (double dBm) |
Set synthesizer level. More... | |
void | switchSynth (bool flag) |
Turn Synthesizer on/off. More... | |
void | IVscan (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, double from, double to, int steps, bool withPower) |
Perform an IV scan on one mixer. More... | |
void | scanMixers (double from, double to, int steps) |
Perform an IV scan on all mixers. More... | |
void | resetSisVoltages () |
Set all SiS voltages to 0.0 mV in the recommended way. | |
void | resetCoilCurrents () |
Set all magnetic coil currents to 0.0 mA in the recommended way. | |
void | resetLNAs () |
Sets all LNA drain voltages and currents to zero. | |
void | setCoilCurrents () |
Set magnetic coil currents to the values given in configuration file. | |
void | setPaGateVoltages () |
Set PA gate voltages to prescribed values in configuration file. | |
void | showCurve (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, QVector< double > x, QVector< double > y, QVector< double > z, const QString &xlab=QString::fromUtf8("mixer bias [mV]"), const QString &ylab=QString::fromUtf8("mixer current [µA]")) |
Signal GUI to display results from IV scan. More... | |
bool | pllControl (float *vcorr, float *vlock) |
Check status of PLL. More... | |
void | cryoControl (bool flag) |
Turn cryo control loop on/off. More... | |
void | preparePLL (bool upper) |
Prepare PLL for locking. More... | |
void | addChannel (Sepia::Channel channel) |
void | removeChannel (Sepia::Channel channel) |
float | getRealValue (QString name) |
Get a float value via its name. More... | |
bool | getFlag (QString name) |
Get a boolean value via its name. More... | |
unsigned short | getWord (QString name) |
Get a 16 bit unsigned integer via its name. More... | |
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void | demagnetized (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool ok) |
A signal emitted when the mixer element is de-magnetized . More... | |
void | defluxed (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool ok) |
A signal emitted when a mixer polarization is defluxed. More... | |
void | faulted (Sepia::ErrorCode code) |
A signal emitted when an error has occured. | |
void | pllStatus (bool locked, float Vlock, float Vcorr) |
Signal the PLL signal. More... | |
void | updateMonitorItem (const QString &name, DWORD addr, float v, char unit, int gain) |
Send latest reading of a monitor item. More... | |
void | percentDone (int percent) |
Report how many percentof an operation is done. More... | |
void | statusMessage (const QString &msg) |
Send a status message. More... | |
void | synthConnected (bool flag) |
A signal emitted to indicate synthesizer connection status. More... | |
void | synthSwitched (bool on) |
A signal emitted to indicate synthesizer status. More... | |
void | synthFreqChanged (double ghz) |
A signal emitted when synthesizer frequency changed. More... | |
void | synthLevelChanged (double dbm) |
A signal emitted when synthesizer level changed. More... | |
void | yigChanged (int value) |
A signal emitted when YIG setting changed. More... | |
void | pointReady (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, int i, double mV, double mA, double mW) |
A signal emitted when a new point of an IV scan has been taken. More... | |
void | traceReady (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, QVector< double > x, QVector< double > y, QVector< double > z, const QString &xlab, const QString &ylab) |
A signal emitted when a new trace, i.e. data from a mixer scan, is available. More... | |
void | LOtuned (bool ok) |
A signal emitted when LO tuning is done. More... | |
void | LOmodified (bool flag) |
A signal emitted when LO tuning was modified. More... | |
void | newCmdLOfrequency (double ghz) |
Signal a new commanded LO frequency. More... | |
void | newCmdHarmonic (int harmonic) |
Signal a new harmonic for LO tuning. More... | |
void | mixerTuned (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool ok) |
A signal emitted when mixer tuning is done. More... | |
void | systemTuned (bool ok) |
A signal emitted when system tuning (i.e. both LO and mixer) is done. More... | |
void | newMixerCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA) |
Signal a new actual mixer current. More... | |
void | newCmdMixerBias (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV) |
Signal a new commanded mixer bias. More... | |
void | newMixerBias (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV) |
Signal a new actual mixer bias. More... | |
void | newMixerPower (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mW) |
Signal a new total power reading. More... | |
void | newCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA) |
Signal a new actual coil current. More... | |
void | newCmdCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA) |
Signal a new commanded coil current. More... | |
void | newDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V) |
Signal a new actual drain voltage for an LNA. More... | |
void | newCmdDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V) |
Signal a new commanded drain voltage for an LNA. More... | |
void | newDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float mA) |
Signal a new actual drain current for an LNA. More... | |
void | newCmdDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float mA) |
Signal a new commanded drain current for an LNA. More... | |
void | newGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V) |
Signal a new actual gate voltage for an LNA. More... | |
void | newCmdPaDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V) |
Signal a new actual gate voltage for a given PA. More... | |
void | stabilize (double T) |
A signal emitted when temperature stabilization should be turned on. | |
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Cartridge (const QString &name, Sepia::Channel channel, double WCAmultiplier, double YIGmultiplier, double lowerYigLimit, double upperYigLimit, QObject *parent=0) | |
Construct a Cartridge object. More... | |
virtual | ~Cartridge () |
Destructor. | |
void | setMonitorChannels (const QStringList &channels) |
Define the list of CANbus addressable items which should be monitored. More... | |
double | lowerLimit () const |
Return the lower limit of the LO tuning range in GHz. More... | |
double | upperLimit () const |
Return the upper limit of the LO tuning range in GHz. More... | |
float | biasOffset (int pol, int sis) const |
Return the bias offset. More... | |
float | currentOffset (int pol, int sis) const |
Return the current offset. More... | |
float | coilCurrentPreset (int pol, int sis) const |
Return the default setting of the coil current. More... | |
float | gateVoltagePreset (int pol) const |
Return the default setting of the gate voltage. More... | |
QVector< double > | biasTrace (int pol, int sis) const |
Retrieve the results for the mixer bias from the latest IV scan. More... | |
QVector< double > | currentTrace (int pol, int sis) const |
Retrieve the results for the mixer current from the latest IV scan. More... | |
QVector< double > | powerTrace (int pol, int sis) const |
Retrieve the results for the total power from the latest IV scan. More... | |
int | getYIG () const |
Get the lates YIG setting. More... | |
double | synthFreq () const |
Get the current synthesizer frequency. More... | |
double | synthLevel () const |
Get the current synthesizer level setting. More... | |
float | sisCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get the mixer current. More... | |
float | sisVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get the mixer bias. More... | |
float | sisPower (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get the mixer total power. More... | |
float | drainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage) |
Get the drain voltage of an LNA. More... | |
float | drainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage) |
Get the drain current of an LNA. More... | |
float | gateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage) |
Get the gate voltage of an LNA. More... | |
float | paGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Get the gate voltage of a PA. More... | |
float | paDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Get the drain voltage of a PA. More... | |
float | paDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Get the drain current of a PA. More... | |
void | setCoilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mA, bool fast=false) |
Set a new coil current value of a mixer element. More... | |
void | setSisVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, float mV, bool fast=false) |
Set a new bias voltage of a mixer element. More... | |
bool | sisOpenLoop (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get the open loop mode of a mixer element. More... | |
void | setSisOpenLoop (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool flag) |
Switch a mixer element to open loop mode. More... | |
void | setDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage stage, float V) |
Set the drain voltage for given LNA. More... | |
void | setDrainCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, LNA::Stage, float mA) |
Set the drain current for given LNA. More... | |
void | setLNAenable (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis, bool flag) |
Enable LNA operation. More... | |
void | setPaGateVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V) |
Set the gate voltage for given PA. More... | |
void | setPaDrainVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, float V) |
Set the drain voltage for given PA. More... | |
void | setAmcADrainVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-A drain voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcBDrainVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-B drain voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcEDrainVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-E drain voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcAGateVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-A gate voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcBGateVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-B gate voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcEGateVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-E gate voltage. More... | |
void | setAmcDMultVoltage (float V) |
Set the AMC-MULT_D voltage. More... | |
float | amcAGateVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_A gate voltage. More... | |
float | amcADrainVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_A drain voltage. More... | |
float | amcADrainCurrent () |
Get the current AMC_A drain current. More... | |
float | amcBGateVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_B gate voltage. More... | |
float | amcBDrainVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_B drain voltage. More... | |
float | amcBDrainCurrent () |
Get the current AMC_B drain current. More... | |
float | amcEGateVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_E gate voltage. More... | |
float | amcEDrainVoltage () |
Get the current AMC_E drain voltage. More... | |
float | amcEDrainCurrent () |
Get the current AMC_E drain current. More... | |
float | amcMultiDVoltage () |
Get the current AMC-MULT_D voltage. More... | |
float | amcMonitor5V () |
Get the AMC 5V monitor signal. More... | |
float | coilCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get a coil current reading. More... | |
float | coilVoltage (Mixer::Polarization pol, Mixer::Element sis) |
Get a coil voltage reading. More... | |
float | heaterCurrent (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Get a reading of the heater current. More... | |
float | mixerTemperature (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Get a reading of the mixer temperature. More... | |
void | heaterState (Mixer::Polarization pol, bool on) |
Set the heater state. More... | |
void | toggleHeater (Mixer::Polarization pol) |
Toggle the heater state, i.e. switch off, then on. More... | |
float | pllLockVoltage () |
Get the PLL lock voltage. More... | |
float | pllCorrVoltage () |
Get the PLL correction voltage. More... | |
float | pllRefTotalPower () |
Get the PLL reference total power. More... | |
float | pllIfTotalPower () |
Get the PLL IF total power. More... | |
float | pllAssemblyTemperature () |
Get the PLL assembly temperature. More... | |
bool | LOlockLatch () |
Get the state of the PLL lock latch. More... | |
void | LOclearLatch () |
Clear the PLL lock latch. | |
void | setNullPllIntegrator (bool flag) |
Set/clear null PLL integrator. More... | |
void | setPllLoopBandwidth (bool flag) |
Set/clear PLL loop bandwidth. More... | |
void | setPllSideband (bool lower) |
Set PLL sideband. More... | |
void | setCoarseTune (unsigned short value) |
update YIG oscillator setting More... | |
virtual void | tuneLO (double ghz, int harmonic)=0 |
Tune local oscillator. More... | |
virtual void | tuneMixer (Mixer::Polarization pol, float bias[2], float Igoal, float power, float maxPower)=0 |
Tune a mixer. More... | |
void | tuneSynthesizer (double WCAfreq, int harmonic, bool upper) |
Pure virtual method to tune the synthesize. More... | |
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void | setFlag (QString name, bool flag) |
Set a boolean value via its name. More... | |
void | setRealValue (QString name, float v) |
Set a float value via its name. More... | |
void | setWord (QString name, unsigned short w) |
Set a 16 bit value via its name. More... | |
A class representing the SEPIA-B7 receiver.