Software documentation for the APEX SEPIA receivers
CAcromag | A class to control the Acromag GP-I/O unit |
CCalUnit | A class for representing the state of the selection mirror via the GUI |
▼CCartridge | A virtual class representing a cartridge |
CSepia180 | A class representing the SEPIA-B5 receiver |
CSepia345 | A class representing the SEPIA-B7 receiver |
CSepia660 | A class representing the SEPIA-B9 receiver |
CCryoController | A class to communicate with the Cryo controller |
CDefluxDialog | A QWidget presenting a dialog for tracing and IV/TP curve |
▼CDevice | A virtual class representing a device |
CSEPIA | The main class of the GUI application |
CDualSidebandMixer | A class to represent a 2SB mixer in the GUI |
CEntry | A class to represent an entry in Andrey Ermakov's ini file |
CGenerator | A class to control the Agilent signal generator |
CIniFileReader | A class to parse Andrey Ermakov's ini file |
CLocalOscillator | A class to represent the local oscillator in the GUI |
CMCunit | A class to handle all communication with the M&C unit via CANbus |
CMiniCircuit | A class to control a MiniCircuit unit (IF and backend switch) |
CPhaseLockLoop | A class to represent the phase lock loop in the GUI |
▼CPolRunnable | Virtual class to run a mixer operations in parallel |
CDefluxer | A class to perform a deflux operation |
CPowerMeter | A class to control the power meter |
CProperty< T > | A template class representing a device property |
CProperty< CalUnit::MirrorPosition > | |
CProperty< double > | |
CProperty< float > | |
CProperty< Sideband > | |
CScanDialog | A QWidget presenting a dialog for tracing and IV/TP curve |
CScpiRequest | A class for storing data for a SCPI request coming from APECS |
CSelectMirror | A class to control the selection mirror of the calibration unit |
▼CSisRunnable | Virtual class to run mixer operations in parallel |
CBiasSetter | A class for setting the mixer bias |
CCoilSetter | A class for setting the coil current |
CDemagnetizer | A class for demagnetizing a mixer element |
CIVscanner | A class for taking an IV curve |
CSync | Provide mutex and wait conditions for asynchronous methods |
CSynthesizer | A class to control the Anritsu synthesizer |
CTuneDialog | A QWidget presenting a dialog for tuning |
CTuning | A class representing a LO/mixer tuning |
CUPSunit | A class to retrieve status from the Eaton UPS |
CVacuumController | A class to control the vacuum monitor |