Software documentation for the APEX SEPIA receivers
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAcromagA class to control the Acromag GP-I/O unit
 CCalUnitA class for representing the state of the selection mirror via the GUI
 CCartridgeA virtual class representing a cartridge
 CSepia180A class representing the SEPIA-B5 receiver
 CSepia345A class representing the SEPIA-B7 receiver
 CSepia660A class representing the SEPIA-B9 receiver
 CCryoControllerA class to communicate with the Cryo controller
 CDefluxDialogA QWidget presenting a dialog for tracing and IV/TP curve
 CDeviceA virtual class representing a device
 CSEPIAThe main class of the GUI application
 CDualSidebandMixerA class to represent a 2SB mixer in the GUI
 CEntryA class to represent an entry in Andrey Ermakov's ini file
 CGeneratorA class to control the Agilent signal generator
 CIniFileReaderA class to parse Andrey Ermakov's ini file
 CLocalOscillatorA class to represent the local oscillator in the GUI
 CMCunitA class to handle all communication with the M&C unit via CANbus
 CMiniCircuitA class to control a MiniCircuit unit (IF and backend switch)
 CPhaseLockLoopA class to represent the phase lock loop in the GUI
 CPolRunnableVirtual class to run a mixer operations in parallel
 CDefluxerA class to perform a deflux operation
 CPowerMeterA class to control the power meter
 CProperty< T >A template class representing a device property
 CProperty< CalUnit::MirrorPosition >
 CProperty< double >
 CProperty< float >
 CProperty< Sideband >
 CScanDialogA QWidget presenting a dialog for tracing and IV/TP curve
 CScpiRequestA class for storing data for a SCPI request coming from APECS
 CSelectMirrorA class to control the selection mirror of the calibration unit
 CSisRunnableVirtual class to run mixer operations in parallel
 CBiasSetterA class for setting the mixer bias
 CCoilSetterA class for setting the coil current
 CDemagnetizerA class for demagnetizing a mixer element
 CIVscannerA class for taking an IV curve
 CSyncProvide mutex and wait conditions for asynchronous methods
 CSynthesizerA class to control the Anritsu synthesizer
 CTuneDialogA QWidget presenting a dialog for tuning
 CTuningA class representing a LO/mixer tuning
 CUPSunitA class to retrieve status from the Eaton UPS
 CVacuumControllerA class to control the vacuum monitor